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Problemele energeticii regionale

For authors

Requirements to publications 

Consistency of presentation of material of article: title, initials and name of author(s), annotation, text of the article with tables and figures, references, information about authors. Each article must be signed by all authors. Papers must contain new results to be published. Submission of an article implies that it has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Material previously published in a letters journal or in a conference proceeding can be included in an article in the Journal that presents significantly more detail and/or results, leading to a substantially improved understanding of the subject. Figures, tables, or text material should not be repeated. Claims of novelty such as "for the first time" should be avoided, even when qualified by escape clauses such as "to our knowledge." Trust the readers to know when something is new and when it is not. Papers below the standard for the Journal will be returned to the authors for rewriting and can be rejected for this reason alone.

Language: Official language, English and Russian.

Maximum volume of the presented paper – 16 pages, format A4.

Structure of articles. In the presented papers it is necessary to describe clearly new and original scientific and engineering results. Basic structure of the papers includes: introduction, objectives, methods and techniques used for solution of the problem, basic results and conclusion .

Software Environment : Word for Windows (version 6 and higher).

Pages parameters (in accordance with the template in english) :

  • format - A4 (210x297 mm );
  • orientation - book ;
  • Times New Roman, font - 11pt;
  • intervals between lines – one;
  • all margins – 25 mm .

Annotation (from 230 to 250 words) must be in the beginning of each paper in English, Official language and Russian.

Each figure must have the corresponding number and short title.

If an electronic graphic image is created in the Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), it should be presented on a "as is" basis in the same format. Regardless of the application you are using, other than Microsoft Office, after the creation of the electronic image it should be "Save As" or converted to one of the following formats (it is necessary to pay attention to the requirements for the degree permissions for drawings, halftones and line / semitone combinations,
see below):
EPS (or PDF): vector drawings: embed all used fonts.
TIFF (or JPEG): color or achromatic photos (semitone): not less than 300 dpi.
TIFF (or JPEG): raster drawings (pure black and white peaksat): not less than 1000 dpi.
TIFF (or JPEG): raster line / halftone combinations (color or achromatic): not less than 500 dpi.
You should not send:
• files that have been formatted for display on the example, GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); they tend to have
a small number of pixels and a limited set of colors;
• Files with very low resolution;
• graphics that are disproportionately large for content.

Tables must have title, situated in the right side from the center of table.

Equations are included by the corresponding editor of Word for Windows. Each equation must have own number in the bracket near the right margins.

References are marked in the text by the corresponding step-by-step numbers in square brackets.

Information about authors must include : first and last name, scientific degree, direction of research, work  address, e-mail.

It is necessary to present to the editorial board:

Materials of the article:

1. The article:

- the text of the article is sent by e-mail

2) information about authors:

3) full paper and information about authors may be presented in Word for Windows (version 6.0 and upper).

The papers, which are not satisfying to the mentioned above conditions, will be rejected. All hard and soft copies will not return to authors.


Our position on the ethics of publishing based on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

It is essential that all parties involved in the act of publication (author, reviewer and editor), to agree with the following provisions. Our position regarding the publication ethics in the journal "The issues of regional power engineering" is based on the requirements laid in the guide COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.

The journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.

Decision to Publish

The editor decides which manuscripts are to be published in the journal. Editor in his activity takes into account the aspects of the policy of the editorial board, the legislative acts, the rules on the elements of libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. To decide, the editor can consult the members of the editorial board or the reviewers.

Impartial Attitude

The editor always evaluates the manuscripts exclusively based on the content without taking into account the issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or political opinions of the author.

Privacy Policy

Editor and all members of Editorial Board shall not divulge information about manuscripts submitted to the journal. The author only is entitled. Editor and Editorial Board can only provide information about potential manuscript reviewers, editorial consultants depending on the circumstances.

Divulge of Information and Conflict of Interests

The information, contained in unpublished manuscripts, should not be used in editorial work without written permission from the author.

Responsibility of reviewer

Contribution to editing

Evaluations of reviewers as an experts have the aim to grant an aid to editor in making decision about publishing of one or another material. Interaction of the editorial board with the authors of manuscripts can also help to improve the quality of scientific work.


Any reviewer who feels the lack of proper skills to review the results of scientific research presented in the manuscript or knows that he can not prepare in time its opinion on the manuscript, must inform the editor and refuse to perform the act of reviewing.

Privacy Policy

All manuscripts received for reviewing must be treated as confidential documents. They should be shown or discussed with third parties only with permission of the publisher.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviewing the manuscript must be objective. Personal critique of the author is not allowed. The referent must expose his own opinion clearly with its strict argumentation.

Bibliographic links

The reviewers should identify the works on related topics with investigated problems, but not mentioned by the author of the manuscript. Any statement on some findings, conclusions or arguments that are elucidated in the literature need to be confirmed by reference to relevant literature sources (relevant links). The reviewer is obliged to inform the author of the manuscript about finding a similarity or overlapping between the evaluated work and other scientific publication which is known to reviewer.

Divulge of Information and Conflict of Interest

Information indicated as confidential and ideas that can be generated in the evaluation process of the manuscript can not be divulged or used for personal purposes. Reviewers may not evaluate manuscripts in case when their content presents a conflict of interest with their work as a result of competition, partnerships or other relationships with at least one of the authors of the manuscript, company or organization that have some attitudes concerning the manuscript.

Responsibility of authors

Compliance with the Style of Article Editing

Authors must submit a truthful description of the completed research and an objective assessment of the significance of the results of the work. The main information must be exactly presented in the paper. The article must contain real information and references in sufficient volume as the results of the investigation would be possible to replicate. Providing false or deliberately imprecise information is considered as unethical and unacceptable.

Ensuring Access and Reusability of Information

For evaluation, it is proposed to authors to submit together with the manuscript the original and primary data, which should be ready for open publication (in accordance with the Association of academic and professional companies to publishing data and databases). Authors are invited to keep the original information concerning investigations conducted within a reasonable time from the date of publication.

Originality and plagiarism

The authors undertake to guarantee the originality of their scientific papers and in case when the author includes the statements or results of investigations obtained by other authors (third parties), these must be referenced in the paper.

Multiple or Parallel Publishing

The author should not publish the results in more than one journal. Simultaneous presentation of the manuscript in two or more journals is viewed as something unethical and unacceptable.

Obligation of References (Links)

All materials borrowed in manuscript should contain links concerning authors. The authors undertake to include references to studies that have determined the direction and character of presented work.

Authors of Article

List of authors should include only those persons who have made a significant contribution to developing the concept, content and preparation of article. Persons who have contributed less should be listed as co-authors. If there are persons who have made a significant contribution to the achievement of certain divisions of work, they must be mentioned as persons who have contributed to manuscript preparation of scientific work. The group's representative is obliged to familiarize with the final version of the article the all persons who made the respective contributions and to obtain their agreement about the estimation of degree of their contribution to this work.

Divulge of Information and Conflict of Interest

All authors must not present in manuscript any financial information or other material that could have an impact on interpretation of the results of scientific investigation. It is prohibited indicating the sources of funding conducted scientific investigation.

Fundamental Errors in Published Papers

If the author has found in his published article some significant error, he is obliged to notify promptly the editor or the editorial board, to contribute to correct the error or to delete the article.

To ensure the quality of published materials and to respect the copyrights, all articles received by the editor are tested for plagiarism using the software "Anti-plagiarism" and only after this procedure the article is sent for reviewing.

Position of the journal on promoting anti-plagiarism policy, information about test items on loan segment of the edited articles and the measures of the editorial board on screening cases considered as plagiarism are formulated and presented in the section "Anti-plagiarism Policy" of this guide. Editor and Editorial Board of the journal "The issues of regional power engineering" requires all authors, who wish to publish their articles in the journal, to become familiar with this information.

Anti-plagiarism Policy

In terms of the editorial board, the plagiarism is considered the following:

  • the use of (quoting verbatim) any material in any volume, without specifying the source;
  • the use of pictures, drawings, photos, tables, graphs, charts, and other forms of graphic representation of information without identifying the source;
  • the use of pictures, drawings, photos, tables, graphs, charts, and other forms of graphical representation of the information published in scientific and popular publications without permission of the copyright;
  • the use of materials without written permission from the authors or copyright holders, if they prohibit the use of their materials without special agreement on their part.


The articles containing less than 80% of the original text are not published in the journal. The Editorial Board does not welcome the use of an excessive number of citations, although properly presented. The allowable volume of admitted quotes must not exceed 30% of the total volume of the article. Reviews and other articles, that require (by objective reasons) a large number of citations, will be examined by the editorial board individually. The Editorial Board does not welcome practices of publishing articles, the content of which fully meets other scientific material published by the author (PhD thesis, synopsis of doctoral theses, monographs).

Checking for Presence of Material Borrowing

All articles that are published in the journal pass the testing procedure with the software "Anti-plagiarism" in order to detect the presence of texts from the Internet (through search engines). In case when there are some doubts regarding the originality of the text of the paper, Editorial Board uses an additional tools to track borrowings. Texts in foreign languages are checking by the search engine CrossCheck and other similar instruments.

Authors can check their articles on plagiarism using the following tools:

The journal is published 4 times a year

Address of the editorial board : Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova , Editorial Board of the Journal “Problems of Regional Energetics”, 5 Academy Str., Kishinau, MD-2028, Republic of Moldova .

Phone: (37322)-73-81-35, (37322)-72-70-40 (waiting room of the Institute of Power Energetics).

E-mail:   or

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