E-Journal N3(63)2024
"PROBLEMS of the REGIONAL ENERGETICS (https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63)"
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Reducing the Magnetic Field Level of Single-Circuit Overhead Power Lines in Multi-Storey Buildings by Means of Active and Passive Shielding
Authors: Kuznetsov B.I.1, Kutsenko A.S.2, Nikitina T.B.3, Bovdui I.V.1, Chunikhin K.V.1, Voloshko O.V.1 1Anatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2 National Technical University "KhPI", Kharkiv, Ukraine 3 Educational scientific professional pedagogical Institute of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The purpose of the work is a theoretical and experimental study of the effectiveness of combined shielding, including active and passive shielding using a continuous screen, of the magnetic field generated by single-circuit power lines with a triangular arrangement of wires inside multi-storey buildings. To achieve this goal, the structure of the combined screen has been determined, which consists of a double-circuit active and a U-shaped solid passive part, and is characterized by increased efficiency in reducing the level of the industrial frequency magnetic field. Designing a combined screen comes down to solving a minimax vector optimization problem, in which the vector objective function is calculated based on solutions to Maxwell's equations in a quasi-stationary approximation using the COMSOL Multiphysics software package. The most important results are the values of the coordinates of the spatial location of two compensation windings, the magnitude of currents and their phases in these windings of the active shielding system, as well as the parameters of the U-shaped continuous passive screen, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of shielding the magnetic field generated by single-circuit lines, calculated during the design of the combined screen. power transmission with a triangular arrangement of wires inside multi-storey buildings.The significance of the results obtained is that practical recommendations are given for the reasonable choice of the spatial arrangement of two shielding windings of a robust active shielding system and the parameters of a U-shaped continuous passive shield of combined shielding of the magnetic field generated by single-circuit overhead power lines inside multi-storey buildings. |
Keywords: single-circuit overhead power lines, magnetic field, combined shielding, theoretical and experimental studies.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.01
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Hybrid Technology of Water Purification Based on the Method of Dosing Sorption Material for Water Treatment Systems of Thermal Power Plants and Water Supply
Authors: Filimonova A.A., Vlasova A.Yu., Chichirov A.A., Kamalieva R.F. Kazan State Power Engineering University Kazan, Russian Federation
Abstract: The work is devoted to the problem of water purification during the flowering of phytoplankton, as well as during salvo pollution by industrial effluents. Anthropogenic load significantly reduc-es the efficiency of purification according to the current technology, therefore, additional post-treatment methods must be used to obtain purified water of the required quality. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the choice of a sorbent within the framework of the considered wa-ter treatment technology, as well as to determine the optimal effective dosage of its dosing. This goal is achieved by implementing the following tasks: analysis of powdered sorption materials used in water treatment technology, selection of an effective dose and entry point of the selected sorption material based on experimental studies, analysis of the results obtained and develop-ment of technical solutions for the organization of a hybrid purification plant. The most im-portant results are: determination of the optimal dose of coal pulp and the frequency of dosing to maintain the required quality of purified water, determination of key water quality indicators affected by treatment with activated carbon. The achievement of these results made it possible to determine the main technological features of the water purification method and determine the possibility of combining it with other purification technologies. The significance of the results obtained lies in the fact that new technical solutions have been proposed to improve the effi-ciency of water treatment facilities during a period of drastic changes in water quality in a water source. |
Keywords: carbonization method, drinking water, coal pulp, powdered coal grade OU-A.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.02
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Development of the Theoretical Approach Based on Matrix Theory for Analyzing the State of Information Security Systems
Authors: Bobok I.I.1, Kobozeva A.A.2 1Odesа Polytechnic National University 2Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University Odesa, Ukraine
Abstract: The widespread introduction of information technologies into all spheres of society, the creation of a significant amount of confidential and critical data in digital form leads to an increase in the priority of information security tasks everywhere, including in the energy sector, which relates to the critical infrastructure of any state. The purpose of the work is to develop the mentioned ap-proach to ensure the possibility of increasing the efficiency of information security methods based on it. The goal was achieved through a detailed study of disturbances in the values of formal parameters that uniquely determine the matrix that is assigned to the information security system under conditions of active attacks (disturbances) on the system. Singular numbers and singular vectors of the matrix are considered as such parameters. The most important result of the work is the substantiation of the existence and establishment of interconnected regions of stabilization of disturbances of singular numbers and singular vectors of the system matrix, while the region of stabilization of singular numbers corresponds to the region of monotonous decrease in their disturbances with increasing numbers, while the stabilization of singular vectors corresponds to the region in which their disturbances are comparable with 90 degrees. It is shown that the stabilization process is determined by the mathematical properties of the parame-ters under consideration. The significance of the obtained result lies in the possibility of using it to improve various information security systems that are built or studied using a general ap-proach to analyzing their state, both theoretically and practically. The work provides examples of such use. |
Keywords: information protection system, singular vector, singular number, sensitivity, active attack.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.03
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The Influence of Burning Ratios Based on Coal Characteristics on its Combustion in the Boiler Furnace
Authors: Chernov S.L., Prokhorov V.B., Aparov V.D., Fomenko M.V. National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract: The need of switch to burn non-design fuel arises during the thermal power plants long-term operation. The choice of replacing coal is quite complicated and currently being solved by various non-design fuels experimental combustion on a specific power boiler. The aim of the work is to develop criteria assessing non-design coal burning possibility in a specific furnace before experimental combustion. The stated goal is achieved with the help of numerical combustion modeling regarding various coals at the pre-critical parameters boiler furnace with an average composition ranking by the lower calorific value. 2 burning ratios have been proposed based on foreign experience: the fuel ratio and the degree of fuel burnout. The first is the ratio of the fuel carbon to volatile substances contents, which in this work are taken as an analytical mass. The second is calculated with the proposed formula, which, instead of the combustible content in fly ash, use mechanical underburning widely included in the technical calculations. Combustion zones with the degree of the acceptable fuel burnout according to the standards and with its excess are distinguished. The limit of possible coal combustion according to the fuel coefficient is found as well. It is shown that this furnace is quite universal for burning a wide range of coals, although it was originally designed for burning brown coal. It is not recommended to burn only lean and low-caking bituminous coals, anthracites and brown coals with calorific value less than 11.5 MJ/kg or humidity more than 40%. The obtained results are significant for the preliminary assessment of non-design fuel combustion and narrowing the range of fuels under consideration. Other the boiler conversion consequences for non-design fuel should be taken into account for the final decision, and above all, the probability of the heating surfaces slagging. |
Keywords: boiler furnace, non-design fuel, thermal characteristics, fuel ratio, fuel burnout degree, mechanical underburning.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.04
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Formation of Energy Supply Systems for Special Economic Zones
Authors: Byk F.L., Ivanova E.M., Myshkina L.S. Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract: The need of switch to burn non-design fuel arises during the thermal power plants long-term operation. The choice of replacing coal is quite complicated and currently being solved by various non-design fuels experimental combustion on a specific power boiler. The aim of the work is to develop criteria assessing non-design coal burning possibility in a specific furnace before experimental combustion. The stated goal is achieved with the help of numerical combustion modeling regarding various coals at the pre-critical parameters boiler furnace with an average composition ranking by the lower calorific value. 2 burning ratios have been proposed based on foreign experience: the fuel ratio and the degree of fuel burnout. The first is the ratio of the fuel carbon to volatile substances contents, which in this work are taken as an analytical mass. The second is calculated with the proposed formula, which, instead of the combustible content in fly ash, use mechanical underburning widely included in the technical calculations. Combustion zones with the degree of the acceptable fuel burnout according to the standards and with its excess are distinguished. The limit of possible coal combustion according to the fuel coefficient is found as well. It is shown that this furnace is quite universal for burning a wide range of coals, although it was originally designed for burning brown coal. It is not recommended to burn only lean and low-caking bituminous coals, anthracites and brown coals with calorific value less than 11.5 MJ/kg or humidity more than 40%. The obtained results are significant for the preliminary assessment of non-design fuel combustion and narrowing the range of fuels under consideration. Other the boiler conversion consequences for non-design fuel should be taken into account for the final decision, and above all, the probability of the heating surfaces slagging. |
Keywords: special economic zone, priority development area, energy supply system, energy efficiency, accessibility, continuity, distributed energy, cogeneration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.05
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Energy-Efficient Fruit Dehydration Regimes in Modified Atmosphere
Authors: Popescu V.S., Tsislinscaia N.I., Vishanu I.V., Melenchiuc M.G., Balan M.M., Vishanu V.V. Technical University of Moldova Kishinau, Republic of Moldova
Abstract: The aim of this work is to establish energy-efficient fruit dehydration regimes in a modified atmosphere. To achieve the goal, an experimental electrical installation was developed, which applies in the technological process the CO2 modified atmosphere dehydration method. Carbon dioxide was used as a drying agent because it is harmless for food and for the human body, including even children and is often used in food industry. The researches were focused on the example of the local origin fruits dehydration, but in particular, peaches were selected as the main object of the research, because they are extremely sensitive to both storage and processing, and the current technologies applied in their case have low efficiency due to adverse reactions that cause processing defects. The essential problems in the dehydration of peaches are the oxidation of the superficial layer and the browning, which considerably reduce the quality of the finished products and also require an increased energy intake, and because of the mentioned shortcomings, these fruits are mainly used during the season, being mainly consumed fresh, nevertheless the dried fruits are of interest and are sought after by consumers the year-around. The main results obtained with the application of the elaborated installation are: increasing in the energy efficiency and the quality of the finished products. The significance of these results lies in the solution of the essential characteristic problems of the fruit dehydration process, which are currently faced by specialized companies in the respective field. |
Keywords: electrical installation, processing method, energy-efficient regimes, fruit dehydration, modified atmosphere, carbon dioxide.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.06
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Multistage Electrodynamic Dehydrator with Heat Pumps
Authors: Burdo O.G.1, Terziev S.G.2, Sirotyuk I.V.1, Slavinskaya V.A.1, Sit M.L.3 1Odesa National University of Technology, Odesa, Ukraine 2PRJSC “ENNI FOODS”, Odesa, Ukraine 3Institute of Power Engineering of Technical University of Moldova, Kishinau, Republic of Moldova
Abstract: The aim of this work is the utilization of the secondary steam energy through its thermal transformation in electrodynamic dehydrators developed by the authors. To achieve this goal, the use of heat pumps is proposed. A hypothesis is formulated that the use of electromagnetic energy sources in the process of removing moisture from food solutions, followed by the transformation of secondary steam energy, will allow for the formation of reverse energy flows. A method for calculating energy efficiency in the presence of direct and reverse flows is presented. Multistage dehydrators, where electrodynamic systems are used at the final stage and heat pumps at the previous stages, are analyzed. It is shown that the formation of reverse flows significantly increases the overall energy efficiency. The use of an electrodynamic apparatus at the final stage solves the problems of obtaining a highly concentrated quality solution. The application of heat pumps at the remaining stages allows for the efficient use of secondary steam energy. The most significant result is the matching schemes of heat pumps with the dehydrator and the environment. The importance of the work lies in the substantiation and confirmation of the high energy efficiency of organizing reverse energy flows, and the proposed installation with combined systems — electrodynamic and heat pump. By calculation, the modes have been established in which the overall efficiency for two-stage apparatuses with heat pumps can be increased from 0.4 to 0.6, and for four-stage dehydrators from 0.4 to 0.8. |
Keywords: electrodynamic systems, heat pumps, energy efficiency, reverse flows of energy.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.07
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Selection of the Binding Object on the Current Image Formed by the Technical Vision System Using Structural and Geometric Features
Authors: Sotnikov O.1, Sivak V.2, Pavlov Ya.3, Нashenko S.4, Borysenko T.5, Torianyk D.3 1Kharkiv National Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, , Kharkiv, Ukraine 2State Research Institute of Testing and Certification of Weapons and Military Equipment, Cherkasy, Ukraine 3National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine 4Military-law institute of the Yaroslav Mudryi National lawyer university, Kharkiv, Ukraine 5Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the possibility of selecting objects in the image generated by the technical vision system of an unmanned aerial vehicle by using structural and geometric features. This goal is achieved based on the analysis of the distribution of fractal dimension, which characterizes the structural properties of images, taking into account the object content, and the size of the area of the selection object. The solution to the first problem is based on the formation of histograms of fractal dimension depending on the number of objects in the image and identifying the features by which the object is selected. The solution to the second problem is based on developing an approach to reducing the object content of images by making it noisy. The noise parameters at which signs of object selection appear in the histograms of the distribution of fractal dimensions are determined. The range of fractal dimension defined. The solution to the third problem is based on specifying the selection object by its area. The most significant result is the identified values of fractal dimension ranges depending on the object content of the image, as well as experimentally established noise parameters to identify the necessary features in histograms of fractal dimensions. The significance of the work lies in solving the problem of selecting a reference object on images of heterogeneous object composition. This made it possible to significantly reduce the computational complexity of selecting objects in images. |
Keywords: current image, object selection, unmanned aerial vehicle, structural properties, fractal dimension, object saturation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.08
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Application of Technical Gases and Their Families in Modern Industrial Technologies: A Review
Authors: 1Simonenko Iu.M., 1Hrudka B.H, 2Chyhrin A.A., 1Kostenko Ye.V. 1Odessa National University of Technology, Odessa, Ukraine; 2Cryoin Europe, Comuna Vama, Romania
Abstract: The aim of the study is to review the use of gas products of natural and synthetic origin and their future application prospects. To achieve this goal, a number of high-tech technologies were pre-sented and analyzed. The phase equilibrium parameters of inert and fluorine-containing gases were shown, as well as the temperature ranges in which certain refrigerants can be applied. Ex-amples of cooler schemes for providing rectification processes at 28 and 210 K were given. The processes of refrigeration cycles in T-s diagrams of neon and R116 (hexafluoroethane) were shown. Schemes of helium systems for heat removal at the level of 5…28 K were considered. The areas of application of Xe, Kr, Ne, and He in modern technologies, particularly in laser technology, space exploration, lamp industry, and medicine, were highlighted. The most signifi-cant result of the work is the determination of the important role of isotopic components of inert gases for the future of energy, functional diagnostics, metrology, and other fields. In semicon-ductor manufacturing, many inert gases are used as protective environments and working media in ion-plasma and ion-beam etching in vacuum chambers. In plasma chemical surface treatment, substances containing one or more halogen atoms act as active gases. The significance of the results achieved is evident in that, in the context of a global shortage of technical gases, the de-velopment of resource-saving technologies is becoming relevant. Among these, gas product re-cycling, where gas concentrates were obtained from used mixtures, enriched, and subjected to deep purification for the secondary use of target products, is the most promising. |
Keywords: technical gases, refrigerants, refrigeration cycle, refrigerator, ion engine, stable isotopes, ion etch-ing of semiconductors, plasma chemical process.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.09
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Determining the Idle Mode of the Last Stages of Powerful Steam Turbines for Wet Steam Area
Authors: Senetskaya D.O., Senetskyi A.V. National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract: Increasingly, low-capacity electricity generating installations using renewable energy sources are becoming widespread. They bring imbalance to the energy system. Frequency control is carried out using powerful steam turbines. To ensure reliable and efficient operation of powerful steam turbines, it is important to understand the processes occurring in the last stages of the low pres-sure cylinder. At present, there is no approach to determining the idle mode (the moment of transition from the generation of mechanical power to its consumption) for large fanning stages. The purpose of the work is to develop an approach to estimating the relative volumetric steam flow rate of steam for large fanning stages, which characterizes the idle mode. This goal is achieved by developing a dependence to determine the idle mode for large fanning stages at nominal operating mode in a compressible medium using the results of an experimental study of model stages for high power turbines. The most important result is the satisfactory agreement between the values of volume flow rate obtained during the calculation, using the proposed method, with experimentally studies for the T-250/300-240 turbine last stage. The calculation error is about 3%. The significance of the results obtained is that the proposed approach allows determining the idle mode of the low pressure cylinder stages of steam turbines quickly and ac-curately during operation and design, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency and reli-ability of power units. |
Keywords: idle mode, steam turbine, fanning stage, compressible medium, relative volumetric flow rate.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.10
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Development of a Virtual Environment for Monitoring Underwater Electrical Cables by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Cellular Automata
Authors: Tymochko O.1, Sotnikov О.2, Dudchenko S.3, Makarchuk D.3, Zazirnyi A.4, Kolodiazhnyi О.2 ¹Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine ²Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University, Kharkiv, Ukraine ³Kherson State Maritime Academy, Kherson, Ukraine ⁴State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The object of the study is to enhance operational efficiency and reduce fuel consumption of autonomous underwater vehicles during the monitoring of underwater electrical and optical cables based on FCA under conditions of uncertainty. To achieve the goal of the research fuzzy cellular automata are used, combining the advantages inherent in traditional cellular automata and provided by the capabilities of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. The cable location uncertainty is caused by possible earthquakes, turbulent currents, random impacts of anchors or fishing gear, cable fouling by marine vegetation and terrorist attacks. The developed approach allows to synthesise a Pareto-optimal vehicle route along the estimated coordinates of the object of study, providing minimum fuel consumption for minimum cable inspection time and satisfying the given system of constraints. Formal models are based on the use of fuzzy cellular automata, which are used to describe the three-dimensional model of the operating environment, zones and objects that hinder or limit the movement, and the behaviour of the underwater vehicle. The most significant results are the formal description of the problem solution space, and the method of modelling the route of an autonomous underwater vehicle in space to improve the efficiency and quality of the solution of the problem of monitoring the state of the object of interest. The significance of the results obtained is the possibility of solving a complex multi-criteria optimisation problem of finding the route of an autonomous underwater vehicle to monitor the cable system in three-dimensional space. |
Keywords: electric cable, autonomous underwater vehicle, fuzzy cellular automaton, Pareto-optimality, route, fuel consumption, minimum time.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.11
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Regulation Transformer with Extended Control Range
Authors: Zaitsev D., Golub I., Tirsu M., Caloshin D. Technical University of Moldova, Institute of Power Engineering, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Abstract: The paper deals with research of the booster transformer (regulation transformer), which can be attributed to “Sen” family, which has an extended range and higher control accuracy. The main aim of the paper is to study both operational and energy characteristics of the transformer device that implements output voltage longitudinal-transverse regulation principle relative to the input based on power electronics. The most significant research results can be considered new developed circuit design and method for windings sectioning, including their regulating control strategy. The obtained computational experiments results based on developed structural simulation models of the booster transformer demonstrated effectiveness of the proposed device technical solution and its control strategy in terms of significant expansion of the output voltage range both in magnitude and in phase. It is shown that the proposed technical solution provides greater possibilities for phase voltage regulation (relative to the UPFC and “Sen” transformer) with the same restrictions on the longitudinal and transverse components of the boost voltage. Vector diagrams of the studded device were constructed and expressions characterizing its operating parameters were obtained. The characteristics of the device parameters variation in both idle and load mode were obtained and analyzed. The significance of the obtained results consisting in fact, that the proposed technical solution is capable to provide the same control actions in the form of an adjustable additional voltage as FACTS controllers such as UPFC and “Sen” - transformer, but on a simpler basis that is more accessible to practical implementation. |
Keywords: booster transformer, active and reactive power, rate power, voltage regulation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.12
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Fractional Order PID Based Five-Step Li-Ion Battery Charger in Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Authors: Manikandan M.1, Mohamed Shuaib Y.2 1Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science, Karimnagar, Telangana, India 2B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, India
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to address the underutilization of electric machine-based propulsion in transportation despite its numerous advantages over conventional internal combustion engines (ICE), such as reduced emissions, lower fuel costs, and improved control and operation. To achieve this goal, the study reviews state-of-the-art energy sources, storage devices, power converters, and control strategies used in electric vehicles (EVs). It particularly focuses on the implementation of the five-level charging scheme for Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, which are considered a promising solution for electric vehicle power storage. The important results of this work include the advantages of a five-level charging scheme for a 1Ah, 3.7V Li-ion battery compared with conventional charging methods, i.e., superior efficiency (97.16%), lower temperature rise (1.5 degrees Celsius), faster charging times (around 40-43 minutes), and extended battery lifespan. The significance of these results lies in their potential to address key drawbacks hindering the widespread adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PH EVs) by offering a practical solution for faster, more efficient, and safer battery charging. By isolating the battery during charging and optimizing the charging process, the proposed system not only enhances the performance of electric vehicles but also contributes to prolonging the battery life, thus promoting sustainability in transportation. Additionally, the experimental validation using MATLAB Simulink underscores the practical feasibility of the proposed charging system, providing a valuable contribution to the field of electric vehicle technology. |
Keywords: : lithium-ion batteries, fractional order PID controllers, five-level charging plug-in, hybrid electric vehicles.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.13
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Calculation of the Required Power of Electric Motors for Overhead Crane Movement Mechanisms Using the Statistical Method
Authors: Kovalenko V., Zhuravel O., Strizhak V., Iglin S., Strizhak M. National Technical University «Kharkiv
Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the functional dependence for the calculation of the re-quired power of the electric motor of the traveling mechanism of the overhead traveling crane on the load capacity and span. The set aim is achieved by solving the following problems: figur-ing out how to calculate the power of the electric motor of the overhead traveling crane mecha-nism by the traditional methodology; selecting constants known from the initial data and varia-bles that require additional calculation; collecting and arranging statistical data - values of varia-bles for overhead cranes of different spans and load capacities; determining regression equa-tions based on statistical data - functions of two variables from the load capacity and span; sub-stituting the equations for the power of the overhead traveling crane mechanism from the load capacity and span. In the process of solving the set tasks, it was found that the greatest difficulty is the determination of static resistance and crane mass. Traditional calculation of these parame-ters requires the use of additional reference data and making design decisions of high responsi-bility. When searching for regression equations, the cubic model is-used, which provides high accuracy and does not overload the equation with summands. The most important result is the derivation of the final expression for determining the motor power as a function of two varia-bles - load capacity and span. The importance of the obtained results is that the proposed meth-od of calculation significantly reduces the time for the selection of the electric motor in the de-sign of a new crane, because there is no need to calculate or select additional parameters that are included in the traditional calculation. The proposed regularity is easier to integrate into comput-er-aided design systems. Since the calculation was based on statistical data of cranes manufac-tured and successfully operating, the probability of erroneous calculation is practically excluded. |
Keywords: overhead crane, traveling mechanism, automation, calculation, electric motor power.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.14
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Minimization of Heat Losses in District Heating Networks by Optimizing their Configuration
Authors: Skochko V.1, Solonnikov V. 2, Pohosov O. 1, Haba K. 1, Kulinko Ye. 1, Koziachyna B. 1 1Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture 2The National Defence University of Ukraine Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The objective of this work is to elucidate the mathematical foundations for optimizing the con-figuration of district heating system networks. Existing and most effective approaches to opti-mizing thermal networks based on minimizing heat losses were analysed, and principles and cor-responding mathematical tools were proposed to account for objective technical constraints im-posed on these district heating networks by regulatory requirements, both at the technological and urban planning levels. The goal is achieved by solving the problems of modeling the coor-dinates of nodes and the lengths of sections of thermal networks using instrumental means to determine the most rational positions of the branching nodes in terms of their coordinates to identify economically viable directions for laying each fragment of the corresponding networks. To make the proposed approach to optimizing thermal networks practical, additional mathemati-cal tools must be introduced to account for specific urban planning conditions and constraints imposed on heating systems, which must be considered in the design process. The most im-portant results are the obtained mathematical model of the district heating network, which allows for considering the actual technical conditions for connection to the networks and urban plan-ning conditions and constraints. The significance of the results obtained is that the application of the developed algorithm allows not only to reduce the total heat losses during the transportation of the heat carrier from heat sources to consumers but also, as a consequence, to increase the energy efficiency level of the entire heating system, reduce primary energy costs, and green-house gas emissions. |
Keywords: network configuration optimization, district heating networks, heat loss minimization, urban planning conditions and constraints.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52254/1857-0070.2024.3-63.15